

As per most Korean dramas, this show revolves around the love lives of 4 people, aka "Love Rectangle"! Lee Se Na, only daughter of a wealthy businessman, met Han Seung Woo, a diplomat from humble background, through a matchmaking session. Se Na set on winning Seung Woo's love although Seung Woo did not reciprocate because he loves his childhood friend Yoon Su, who coincidentally was engaged to his colleague, Jin Hui.

This drama then shows the persistance of Se Na and how she managed to touch Seung Woo's heart and the revelation of Yoon Su's and Seung Woo's relationship.


Jang Nara as Lee Se-na
Ryu Shi Won as Han Seung-woo
Myung Se Bin as Shin Yoon-su
Lee Hyun Woo as Suh Jin-hui

My Take

I find the pairing of Jang Nara and Ryu Shi Won fantastic. They managed to bring out the characters superbly and the chemistry is amazing. The 2nd leads were good too. With a great plot and OST, overall, I think this is a must-watch show.



Year Aired : 2005

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